Thanks, Phil. Enlightening as usual. I have been doing some reading about symbolism in the gospel of John (Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel - Craig Keoster) and one of the points he makes is about the symbolism regarding hearing to believe, rather than seeing for belief. It aligns with what you are saying about how the HS works through the hearer... interesting...

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Very interesting, Wendy! I've read bits of Dorothy Lee's *Flesh and Glory: Symbol, Gender and Theology in the Gospel of John,* and I've been meaning to finish it. Now I'll have to add Keoster to this list! Thanks for bringing him up :)

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Oh, I'm looking forward to Part 2. Just wondering how "speaking in tongues" is manifested in someone who is deaf?

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Interesting question, Paul! I'd be curious to hear if anything like "tongues" has ever been experienced by the deaf community. Regardless, I know the Spirit manifests in various ways.

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